Thank you for visiting the site! My name is Alice!

Here is a little about who I am and why I do what I do. 

I am a mother and a grandmother - and just like you I am also a healer and a teacher by nature. My love and interests of self help, inner work and all things metaphysical are what brings me here to offer these products and services.

I am also an adult survivor of early childhood sexual and physical abuse. I was labeled in grade school as EH [Emotionally Handicapped] and struggled with effective communication most of my life. After several temporary stays in foster care I was then removed from my primary home at the age of 8 and went on to another home where I was molested until the age of 13. I gave birth to my first son when I was 16 and at 17 I gave birth to my daughter. My adult years continued with emotionally abusive situations and relationships. Additionally there were labels and diagnosis [Depression, ADD/ ADHD, Anxiety] and prescribed medications. 

I began researching ways to help myself and began meditating and learning more about yoga. Soon, I learned the importance of mindful breathing. After the birth of my 3rd and 4th children by the age of 38, I began practicing energy scanning to first clear my own energy of the energetic weight and pain I continued to carry unnecessarily in order to better understand my life purpose and the messages I felt compelled to share.

After the birth of my granddaughter and being gifted with my first deck of oracle angel cards not too long after that, I began to practice oracle card reading. I wanted to share the messages that were emerging through me and reach out to others who may be awakening to their own healing journey.

Meditation, journaling and creative writting has always been the foundation of my healing work. With the help of others who I received guidance from, I was led to begin offering intuitive energy healing services as well. Combining chakra energy healing scans, life purpose, angel and crystal card readings with automatic writing, channeled prayer work and guided meditation has been my gift to those who feel called to work with me. If you're reading this- it isn't by accident. Spirit works in mysterious ways to guide each one to the next steps on the healing path. 

It is my sincere intention to work with spirit to help release self doubt and fear, needless pain, suffering and energy loss- while communicating more effectively, gaining more energy and confidence and seeing dreams become real. 

You can begin living your best life full of self expression, empowerment and freedom- and eliminating self doubt may be the biggest catalyst that propels you forward. 

I look forward to connecting with you!

Thank you for reading ~ much love & many blessings~ peace
